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Generate Long Summaries with Ease

Founded year: 2024
Country: Lithuania
Funding rounds: Not set
Total funding amount: Not set


Long Summary is a cutting-edge text summarization tool designed to tackle the challenges of condensing extensive documents into customized lengths, regardless of the original text's size. Unlike traditional AI models such as ChatGPT, Gemini, or Claude, which struggle with very long texts, Long Summary excels in handling extensive content without limitations. Users can input large documents and receive summaries tailored to their needs, whether they want a brief overview or a detailed analysis.

One of the key features of Long Summary is its scalability; as users increase the summary length, they capture more nuances and critical details from the original text, ensuring that important information is retained. This makes it a valuable resource for various users, including businesses that need to distill lengthy reports into actionable insights, and professionals who want to quickly understand extensive research papers or legal documents without missing key points.

Additionally, Long Summary allows for flexible input and output, enabling users to summarize entire books, academic theses, or collections of documents. It supports file uploads in various formats, simplifying the process of information extraction. For developers, Long Summary offers a robust API, allowing easy integration of its summarization technology into applications, websites, or services, enhancing the overall functionality of their products.
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