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Find LinkedIn Leads & Emails in One Click

Founded year: 2024
Country: Singapore
Funding rounds: Not set
Total funding amount: Not set


BoringLead - Find LinkedIn Leads & Emails in One Click BoringLead helps you find verified email addresses of professionals on LinkedIn, saving you time and boosting your outreach efforts with AI. Boost your cold reach game in finding more customers.

Key Features:

LinkedIn Email Search: Quickly find verified email addresses of professionals on LinkedIn.

AI Powered Results: With the help of AI, we curate and find the most accurate results from LinkedIn

Rich LinkedIn Data: Get access to Rich LinkedIn data at your finger tips with just one click.

Search History: Access your past searches and results at any time.

CSV Export: Download your search results as a CSV file for easy integration with your tools.

Access it anywhere: Your LinkedIn leads gets saved into your account. You have access to those anytime you want.

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