Protecting your customers' sensitive information is the most critical aspect of your business. For this, you need to implement security in customer onboarding process.

eKYC verification is essential for smooth and secure customer onboarding processes. As traditional KYC methods are shifted to eKYC, you must be well-versed in the main security features of eKYC solutions.

If you want to streamline your customer onboarding process with top-notch security, then these are the top features that you should implement in your eKYC verification

Let’s explore them in detail!

1.    Multiple Factor Authentication (MFA)

The major security feature for any eKYC system is multiple-factor authentication (MFA). Users must present two or more validation factors when they want to access a service that enhances their online protection.

For example, MFA can combine your customer’s password, security token, and biometric verification. Such combinations can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access.

It’s worth noting that even if one authentication factor fails, MFA makes it difficult for anyone to breach security codes, leading to low chances of hacking. For eKYC, implementation of this feature is critical as it helps prevent identity theft, among other types of fraud.

2.    Biometric Confirmation

Due to its high level of safety and simplicity, you should consider including biometric confirmation in your top eKYC solutions. Biometrics of your customers can include fingerprint scanning, facial recognition, iris scanning, and voice recognition. 

These biometrics are hard to duplicate or take by others, offering an assured way to verify your customers’ identities.

Besides enhancing security during the customer onboarding process, biometric verification also enhances user experience. This is done by making it more accessible through the simplification of the validation procedure involved in such processes. 

3.    Data Encryption

Data encryption is a critical security feature that protects sensitive information during transmission and storage. It ensures that your customer’s data is encrypted and unreadable to unauthorized persons. 

For an eKYC solution, robust encryption protocols must be in place to protect customer data, such as personal identification numbers, addresses, and financial information.

To ensure the safety of your customer data from cyber threats and breaches, it is advisable to use advanced encryption standards such as AES-256 and SSL/TLS for both in-transit and at-rest data.

4.    Secure APIs

APIs are vital components of eKYC solutions. They allow different systems to share data and communicate. Insecure APIs can be a major risk point. For the protection of eKYC systems, it’s important to create secure APIs that conform to best practices.

Implementing secure API gateways, including OAuth authentication options, coupled with regular updates and testing can prevent unauthorized access or loss of your customer information. 

Plus, safe APIs ensure the protected exchange of information between your business systems, thereby maintaining integrity and confidentiality for your customer details.

5.    Real-Time Monitoring & Alerts

Real-time monitoring and alert systems are necessary to detect probable threats promptly. In the eKYC context, real-time monitoring involves tracking actions or transactions to spot any suspicious activity.

This timely approach enables your business to use machine learning for anomaly detection purposes, backed by AI signals whenever they arise. 

This triggers alarms that require further investigation. And helps mitigate risks before they become serious security incidents, allowing continuous protection of customer information on board an E-KYC system.

6.    Regulatory Compliance

For eKYC solutions, your business must comply with regulatory standards and guidelines that define strict requirements for data protection and privacy. These regulatory compliances include:

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

  • Anti-Money Laundering (AML) directives

  • Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

Compliance with these regulations helps enhance trust among your customers and adds another layer of security to your eKYC solution. 

7.    User Access Control

Strict user access controls are essential for securing sensitive information within eKYC systems. These policies must inhibit access to certain information based on the job title or role assigned to a user’s account.

Using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) ensures that your employees only have access to relevant information needed for their particular tasks. This reduces the risk of internal threats. Plus, regularly reviewing permission settings strengthens customer onboarding process security even further.

8.    Fraud Detection and Prevention

To maintain high levels of integrity in eKYC platforms, you should also have a fraud detection system in place. With advanced analytics, AI, and ML, it is possible to notice patterns or behaviors indicating fraudulent activities.

A fraud detection system must have robust transaction monitoring features, identity verification checks, and behavioral analysis so that every attempt a fraudster makes can be intercepted at any given time. Therefore, this system must remain dynamic enough to adapt to emerging threats at all times.

9.Secure Document Management

Confidentiality of your customer documents is vital while handling and storing them during the eKYC process. 

Therefore, it is essential for a secure document management system that encompasses encryption, access controls, and audit trails that can safeguard records from unauthorized access or alteration.

Using robust security measures in cloud storage will ensure your customer’s documents are stored and managed securely throughout their life cycle.

10. In-built Security Interfaces

Your customer onboarding user interface should be designed with in-built features like 


  • SSL server

  • TLS encryption, and 

  • Anti-phishing bots

These features protect your customers against general browser-based threats.

Additionally, a user-friendly but secure interface ensures that your customers' sensitive information is protected during the onboarding experience.

11. Continuous Improvement and Adaptation

The security landscape is ever-changing, with new threats emerging regularly. For an eKYC solution to stay secure, continuous improvement and adaptation are vital. This involves staying up-to-date with the latest trends in security, technologies, and best practices.

Your business needs to establish a culture of continuous improvements that includes periodic reviews, updates, and enhancements to security measures. It can help you stay ahead of potential threats and ensure the ongoing security of your eKYC processes.


Your business needs strict customer onboarding security to safeguard private customer information to gain customer trust. Effective eKYC verification solutions can achieve streamlined and safe onboarding as they embed strong security features.

You need to focus on these security features alongside adapting to new threats to guarantee that the eKYC solutions still adhere to regulatory standards.

Investing in a secure eKYC solution reduces losses caused by fraud or identity thefts. It also helps you to improve overall customer experience, which encourages trust-building and ultimately leads to loyalty over time.