Java is a robust, secure, and general-purpose object-oriented programming language. It is a high-level language, I.e., its syntax uses English like language. In the year 1995, Sun Microsystems developed it. Oracle is now in charge of its upkeep and distribution. Java is also known as a platform due to its API and runtime environment. Over the years, a lot of applications have utilized Java. However, there are a number of benefits and drawbacks, which are outlined below. Advantages:
1. Simple
Java is a simple programming language since it is easy to learn and easy to understand. Its syntax is based on C++, and it uses automatic garbage collection; therefore, we don't need to remove the unreferenced objects from memory. Java has also removed the features like explicit pointers, operator overloading, etc., making it easy to read and write.
2. Object-Oriented
Java uses an object-oriented paradigm, which makes it more practical. Everything in Java is an object which takes care of both data and behavior. Java uses object-oriented concepts like object, class, inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, and abstraction.
3. Secured
Because it does not make use of explicit pointers, Java is a secure programming language. Also, Java programs run inside the virtual machine sandbox. A classloader that is utilized to load the class dynamically into the JVM is also provided by JRE. It differentiates the local file system's class packages from those imported from the network. 4. Robust
Because it uses effective memory management, Java is a robust programming language. We can also handle exceptions through the Java code. Also, we can use type checking to make our code more secure. Because it lacks explicit pointers, the programmer cannot directly access memory from the code. 5. Platform independent
Java code can run directly on multiple platforms, so we don't have to compile it every time. It is right once, runs anywhere language (WORA) which can be converted into byte code at the compile time. The byte code is a platform-independent code that can run on multiple platforms.
6. Multi-Threaded
Java uses a multi-threaded environment in which a bigger task can be converted into various threads and run separately. The fact that we don't have to give memory to each running thread is the main benefit of multi-threading. Disadvantages
1. Performance
Java is able to run on all operating systems because it needs to be interpreted at runtime, but it also runs slower than languages like C and C++. On the other hand, the C++ program needs to be compiled on each operating system, directly to binary and therefore runs faster.
2. Memory consumption
Java program consumes more memory since it runs on top of Java virtual machine.
3. Cost
Java programming language is a bit costly due to its higher processing and memory requirements. For the Java program to run, better hardware is required. 4. Less machine interactive
Java lacks when it comes to interacting directly with machines, making it less viable for the software that needs to run quickly and run directly with the machine, as explicit pointers are also missing in Java.
5. The collection of trash Java provides automatic garbage collection that cannot be controlled by the programmer. It does not provide memory-freezing methods like delete() and free(). However, despite its numerous drawbacks, Java is one of the most widely used programming languages due to its platform independence, security, and robust nature.