The Kaaba is the most sacred place in Islam all know that. For Muslims, it is not only a building but also a special symbol of faith and connection to Allah. Unlike other places, it is a building, but also a holy part of the religion and represents a strong affiliation with Allah. When one undertakes the Hajj or Umrah pilgrimage, there seems to be a common wish in all of them to touch the blessed Kaaba at this revered site to feel the serenity of being close to the Almighty. But a question comes does one have the ability to touch the Kaaba when they are in a state of Ihram? The answer is yes, but this article will provide some guidance on which parts of the Kaaba are permissible to touch, relying on Islamic teachings, Sunnah, and scholars. So that we may avoid those actions which are considered innovations and impermissible in Islam.

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