Trust is key to success in the financial sector. You need the right SMS templates for financial services to build and maintain trust with your customers.
Using the right SMS templates can help your business in many ways, like reminding customers about overdue payments and keeping their funds secure with OTP codes.
Here, we have the best & useful 25+ free SMS templates for you.
SMS templates can help you, whether you’re an investment advisor, bank representative, asset manager, or insurance agent offering financial services.
You can use these sms templates to boost your cash flow and stay ahead of the competition.
Best SMS Templates for Financial Services
Discover how Shree Tripada's SMS API can excite your customers and make them love the financial SMS service. Start now or book a demo today!
Template for Payment Reminder SMS
Template for SMS:
Dear (Customer Name), this is a reminder from [Company] about your due payment of (Amount) on (day and month). Contact us at [contact number] if you need help.
Sample SMS:
Dear Sarah Smith, this is a reminder from ABC Finance about your due payment of $250 on 30th December. Contact us at +1-234-567-890 if you need help.
Outstanding Payment SMS Template:
Template for SMS:
Reminder: Your payment of (Amount) is due today (DayMonthYear). Late fees of [amount] will apply if not paid promptly. Pay now at [URL]. Thank you, [Company name].
Sample SMS:
Reminder: Your payment of ₹1,500 is due today 25th December 2024. Late fees of ₹100 will apply if not paid promptly. Pay now at https: payment here. Thank you, XYZ Ltd.
Late Payment SMS Template:
Template for SMS:
(Customer Name), your payment is overdue. A late fee will be applied to your next invoice. To pay now, click [URL]. For issues, contact us at [phone number].
Sample SMS:
John Doe, your payment is overdue. A late fee will be applied to your next invoice. To pay now, click https: payment here. For issues, contact us at 123-456-7890.
Failed Payment SMS Template:
Template for SMS:
Your payment was not successful. For assistance, please call [Company name] at [contact number] to pay with another card. Thank you.
Sample SMS:
Your payment was not successful. For assistance, please call XYZ Ltd. at 123-456-7890 to pay with another card. Thank you
Promotional message SMS template:
Template for SMS:
Our new loan scheme begins on (date). Find out more at [link] or call (phone number) for more information. Thank you for choosing (Bank name).
Sample SMS:
Our new loan scheme begins on 1st January 2025. Find out more at www.example or call 123-456-7890 for more information. Thank you for choosing ABC Bank.
Check out our list of the best SMS API service providers for your financial services. Discover the top OTP SMS API providers to send OTPs for your apps and fintech services.
Shree Tripada offers straightforward SMS solutions, allowing you to start messaging your financial customers immediately. Learn more about our SMS API services.
SMS Template for Loan Offer:
Template for SMS:
Dear [Customer Name], you’ve been pre-approved for a personal loan of [Loan Amount] from [Lender Name] with an interest rate of [Interest Rate]% p.a. and flexible repayment terms up to [Repayment Tenure] months. Call [Contact Number] to apply now
Sample SMS:
Dear John, you’ve been pre-approved for a personal loan of ₹100,000 from London Bank with an interest rate of 12% p.a. and flexible repayment terms up to 24 months. Call 123-456-7890 to apply now.
SMS Template for Bank Loan:
Template for SMS:
Hello [Customer Name], your [Loan Type] of [Loan Amount] at [Interest Rate]% p.a. from [Bank Name] is approved. Repayment starts on [Loan Start Date]. Contact [Contact Number] for more info.
Sample SMS:
Hello John, your personal loan of ₹500,000 at 10% p.a. from London Bank is approved. Repayment starts on 1st January 2025. Contact 123-456-7890 for more info.
SMS Template for Loan Promotion:
Template for SMS:
[Customer Name], [Lender Name] is offering a [Loan Type] loan promotion. Get [Promotion Offer], [Interest Rate]% p.a., and repayment flexibility up to [Repayment Tenure] months. Call [Contact Number].
Sample SMS:
John, London Bank is offering a personal loan promotion. Get 5% cashback, 10% p.a., and repayment flexibility up to 36 months. Call 123-456-7890.
Hi [Customer Name], this is a friendly reminder that your loan repayment of [Amount] is due on [Due Date]. Kindly ensure payment by the due date. For help, contact [Contact Number].
Sample SMS:
Hi John, this is a friendly reminder that your loan repayment of ₹20,000 is due on 31st December 2024. Kindly ensure payment by the due date. For help, contact 123-456-7890.
SMS Template for Payment Confirmation:
Template for SMS:
Dear [Customer Name], your payment of [Payment Amount] on [Payment Date] has been successfully received. For any questions, call [Contact Number]
Sample SMS:
Dear John Doe, your payment of $250.00 on December 25, 2024, has been successfully received. For any questions, call 123-456-7890.
Debt reminder SMS template:
Template for SMS:
Dear [Customer Name], your payment of [Amount] is overdue. Please pay as soon as possible to avoid further charges. For any questions, contact [Contact Number].
Sample SMS:
Dear John Doe, your payment of $150 is overdue. Please pay as soon as possible to avoid further charges. For any questions, contact 123-456-7890.
OTP SMS template:
Template for SMS:
Your OTP is [OTP]. Please enter this code to complete your transaction. This code is valid for [time duration]. If you did not request this, please contact [Company Name].
Sample SMS:
Your OTP is 123456. Please enter this code to complete your transaction. This code is valid for 10 minutes. If you did not request this, please contact XYZ Bank
SMS template for policy renewal reminder:
Template for SMS:
Don’t forget! Your insurance policy renewal is due. Contact [Company Name] to renew.
Sample SMS:
Don’t forget! Your insurance policy renewal is due. Contact ABC Insurance to renew and stay covered.
SMS template for insurance claim alert:
Template for SMS:
Your insurance claim has been successfully initiated with [Company Name]. Our team will review your request and update you on the next steps. For assistance, contact [Phone Number].
Sample SMS:
Your insurance claim has been successfully initiated with ABC Insurance. Our team will review your request and update you on the next steps. For assistance, contact 123-456-7890.
SMS template for loan payment reminder:
Template for SMS:
Hello [Customer Name], your loan payment of [Amount] is due on [Payment due date]. Please ensure to pay on time to avoid any late charges.
Sample SMS:
Hello John, your loan payment of $500 is due on December 31, 2024. Please ensure to pay on time to avoid any late charges.
SMS template for overdue payment reminder:
Template for SMS:
Hello [Customer Name], your loan payment of [Amount] is [Number of Days] days past due. Please settle the amount promptly to avoid extra charges.
Sample SMS:
Hello John, your loan payment of $300 is 15 days past due. Please settle the amount promptly to avoid extra charges.
SMS template for Payment due:
Template for SMS:
Hello [Customer Name], your payment of [Amount] is due by [Payment Due Date]. Please make the payment on time to prevent late fees and charges.
Sample SMS:
Hello Sarah, your payment of $150 is due by 31st December 2024. Please make the payment on time to prevent late fees and charges.
SMS template for Complaint registration:
Template for SMS:
Dear [Customer Name], our apologies for the trouble caused. Kindly share your complaint details, and we’ll work on resolving it promptly.
Sample SMS:
Dear John, our apologies for the trouble caused. Kindly share your complaint details, and we’ll work on resolving it promptly.
SMS template for Feedback collection:
Template for SMS:
Dear [Customer Name], we value your opinion! Please rate your experience with us from 1 to 10 and share any comments at [Feedback Link].
Sample SMS:
Dear John, we value your opinion! Please rate your experience with us from 1 to 10 and share any comments at https: feedback here
SMS template for Payment successful:
Template for SMS:
Hello [Customer Name], we’ve successfully received your payment of [Amount]. Thank you for choosing [Company].
Sample SMS:
Hello Sarah, we’ve successfully received your payment of $150. Thank you for choosing XYZ Bank.
SMS template for EMI bounce:
Template for SMS:
Dear [Customer Name], your EMI payment of [Amount] has bounced. Kindly settle the payment promptly to avoid charges.
Sample SMS:
Dear John, your EMI payment of $200 has bounced. Kindly settle the payment promptly to avoid charges.
SMS template for bank credit message:
Template for SMS:
Dear [Customer Name],
Your account [Account Number] has been credited with ₹[Amount] on [Date].
For any queries, please contact [Bank's Customer Support Number].
Thank you for banking with [Bank Name].
Sample SMS:
Dear John Doe,
Your account ending with 1234 has been credited with ₹5,000 on 25th December 2024.
For any queries, please contact our customer support at 1800-123-4567.
Thank you for banking with XYZ Bank.
SMS template for Credit card payment message:
Template for SMS:
Dear [Customer Name],
Your payment of ₹[Amount] for Credit Card ending with [Last 4 Digits] has been successfully processed on [Date].
For any queries, please contact [Bank's Customer Support Number].
Thank you for choosing [Bank Name].
Sample SMS:
Dear John Doe,
Your payment of ₹3,500 for Credit Card ending with 5678 has been successfully processed on 25th December 2024.
For any queries, please contact our customer support at 1800-123-4567.
Thank you for choosing XYZ Bank.
SMS Template for cheque deposit message:
Template for SMS:
Dear [Customer Name],
Your cheque number [Cheque Number] for ₹[Amount] has been successfully deposited to your account [Account Number] on [Date].
For any queries, please contact [Bank's Customer Support Number].
Thank you for banking with [Bank Name]
Sample SMS:
Dear John Doe,
Your cheque number 123456 for ₹10,000 has been successfully deposited to your account ending with 7890 on 25th December 2024.
For any queries, please contact our customer support at 1800-123-4567.
Thank you for banking with XYZ Bank.
What are the various types of SMS formats?
SMS formats are important because they help customers easily understand the messages. By organizing your SMS clearly, you make communication more effective, which can build trust and improve customer service. Below are some SMS formats you can use in your bank to meet different communication needs. Make sure your messages are simple, clear, and match your bank’s professional image.
Format for Bank SMS:
The typical Bank SMS format contains the name of the bank, the kind of transaction and the amount, along with the dates and times, as well as the balance at present.
Example: ABC Bank: Withdrawal of $100 on 25th Dec 2024 at 3:00 PM. Your current balance is $500.
Format for Bank transaction SMS:
A bank transaction SMS format typically includes the bank’s name, the type of transaction, the amount, the date and time of the transaction, and the current account balance.
Example: XYZ Bank: Deposit of $200 on 25th Dec 2024 at 10:30 AM. Your current balance is $1,200.
Format for Loan SMS:
A loan approved sms format includes the lender's name, loan amount, loan duration, interest rate, and monthly installment amount
Example: ABC Loans: Your loan of $5,000 for 12 months at an interest rate of 8% is approved. Monthly installment: $450.
Format for Salary SMS:
A salary SMS format includes the employer's name, employee's name, salary amount, and the credit date.
Example: XYZ Corp: Salary of $2,000 for John Doe credited on 25th Dec 2024.
Format for Bank message:
A bank message format includes the bank's name, the type of message, and the message details.
Example: [XYZ Bank] ALERT: A transaction of $2,000 was debited from your account on 05/03/2023. If you did not authorize this, please contact the bank immediately.
Format for Loan approval SMS:
The loan approval SMS format includes the bank's name, loan type, amount, and whether it’s approved or not.
Example: ABC Bank: Your personal loan of $5,000 has been approved. Congratulations! For more details, contact us.
Format for Personal loan SMS:
A personal loan SMS format includes the bank's name, the loan amount, the interest rate, how long the loan lasts, and the monthly payment amount.
Example: ABC Bank: Your personal loan of $5,000 has been approved with an interest rate of 7% for 24 months. Your monthly payment is $250.
OTP SMS format:
An OTP SMS format includes the bank’s name, the type of message, the OTP code, and the expiration time.
Example: XYZ Bank: Your OTP code is 123456. It will expire in 10 minutes. Please use it to complete your transaction
Format for EMI bounce SMS:
An EMI bounce SMS format includes the bank's name, status of the EMI bounce, the EMI amount, due date, and the reason for the bounce.
Example: ABC Bank: Your EMI payment of ₹5,000 due on 01/12/2023 has bounced. Reason: Insufficient funds. Please make the payment to avoid further charges.
Format for EMI bounce message:
An EMI bounce message includes the bank’s name, the status of the EMI payment, the amount, the due date, and the reason it bounced.
Example: [ABC Bank]: Your EMI payment of ₹5,000 due on 15/12/2023 has bounced. Reason: Insufficient funds. Please make the payment to avoid penalties.
Format for EMI message:
An EMI message includes the bank’s name, the EMI amount, the due date, and how many EMIs are left.
Example:ABC Bank: Your EMI of $200 is due on 10/10/2024. You have 3 remaining EMIs.
Best Practice of SMS Templates for Promotional Bulk SMS and Transactional Bulk SMS
Short and Clear: Keep the message brief and avoid unnecessary details.
Personalization: Use the recipient's name to make the message feel personal.
Relevant Content: Customize the message for your audience and offer valuable updates or promotions.
Brand Consistency: Use your brand name and tone consistently in all messages.
Call to Action: Add a clear call to action, like "Call now" or "Visit today."
Urgency: For promotions, mention urgency if needed (e.g., "Limited time offer").
Legal Compliance: Ensure the message follows the law and includes opt-out options when required.
Shree Tripada is here for all your Bulk SMS service needs
These templates can help take your business's finances to the next level. Don't wait—start sending SMS messages using these templates now!
Learn about Shree Tripada, the best and most affordable Bulk SMS Service Provider, offering free DLT support. Check out the best SMS API options for your financial needs and the top OTP sender services for your apps and fintech solutions.
Shree Tripada provides simple SMS solutions that provide the best bulk SMS service in India. So you can start messaging your financial customers immediately. Please find out more about our SMS API services.
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