Prince College, situated at Jaipur-Bikaner Bypass in Sikar, recently hosted its vibrant Fagotsav-2023 celebration, bringing together students, faculty, and trainees to honor the spirit of Holi. The event featured mesmerizing cultural performances, including the traditional Gindad dance of Shekhawati, Holi-themed folk songs such as "Rang Barse," "Ude Re Gulal," and "Fagan Ri Rut," and engaging renditions of "Holi Ki Dhamaal."
Addressing the attendees, Prince Eduhub Chairman Dr. Piyush Sunda extended heartfelt Holi wishes and emphasized the importance of integrating skill development and co-curricular activities alongside academics. He encouraged the trainees to adopt innovative approaches to teaching, fostering creativity and growth in their professional endeavors.
The event was graced by dignitaries including JRS Managing Director Ramcharan Yadav, College Manager Ashok Kumar, Principal Dr. Mahendra Singh Dudi, and others, who praised the students’ performances and the college’s dedication to nurturing talent.
Prince College, part of the renowned Prince Eduhub, not only excels in fostering cultural traditions but is also a leader in academics and competitive exam preparation. Recognized as the Best CBSE School in Sikar, Prince Eduhub offers premier coaching for JEE, NEET, and CLAT, establishing itself as the go-to destination for students aiming for success. Its outstanding infrastructure, expert faculty, and consistent top results solidify its reputation as the hub for the best JEE coaching in Sikar, best NEET coaching in Sikar, and best CLAT coaching in Sikar.
Through events like Fagotsav, Prince College continues to inspire students to balance academic excellence with cultural and skill development, ensuring a well-rounded education experience.