AI - the two-word letter Artificial Intelligence…has boomed the online marketplace in many ways. What strikes your mind about AI & Humans? Is AI replacing humans? There are many movies where you can find AI and they act like humans. AI mimics human intelligence in decision-making learning and has great efficiency & accuracy. However, this innovation's different pros and cons also challenge the scope of human intelligence. The future of artificial intelligence is going to be very vast and is also going to open the doors for AI development companies.

Well!!! The answer to the above widespread question is ‘NO’ This is because AI itself is developed by humans. The future of artificial intelligence is also going to open opportunities to build careers in AI advancements and development. There are many AI tools available in the marketplace. Some of them include Whisper AI, ChatGPT, etc. Even Google has its own AI platform, named - Gemini. The AI evolution and impact show that humans can now generate long content, presentations, images & even websites by just giving a simple prompt. Isn’t it mind blowing?

Is AI Replacing Humans?

The answer is very simple, AI will not replace humans. The most important reason is humans are the one who develop AI using algorithms and programming. AI has helped to reduce human labor, but the fact about AI replacing humans is false. Complex tasks can be completed at ease with the help of AI. Following are some of the reasons that show AI vs human intelligence and how artificial intelligence in daily life is useful to humans

1. Emotional Intelligence

One of the most important drawbacks of human vs AI capabilities is emotional intelligence. AI can mirror intellectual human intelligence but not an emotional one. AI is incapable of feeling pain or having emotions, or feelings. Hence, this is also one of the great reasons for AI replacing humans.

For businesses personal interaction is a must to have a good relationship with the client. Artificial intelligence is not culturally sensitive, intuitive, or even empathetic. So there are chances where businesses can lose their clients as AI cannot read faces & get things accurately.

2. Data Algorithm & Accuracy

There is a concept of to and for that is followed. When you give the input then you receive the output. It is similar when it comes to artificial intelligence.. The operation of giving data and getting the desired result is done by humans. The machine does not create the result if it does not match with the algorithm. It then accounts for the inaccurate data & results in unexpected events.

The algorithm has been created by humans, It just reduces the load of humans in performing complex tasks. The risk of AI to humanity is it cannot have capabilities like human reasoning, improvise, or analyze as a human brain does.

3. Less Creative:

Artificial intelligence only operates on the information it is given. It does not think like humans and generate original ideas & accomplish work. There are defined frameworks where AI is limited to it. Hence, it cannot develop with creative strategies, techniques & different patterns as humans do. From little to no data, humans have the capability of problem-solving using different sources of information. Humans can solve complicated issues with less data but AI cannot do this.

AI fails to deliver creative solutions as it does not have the capabilities of humans. Humans can come up with creative and innovative ideas for existing problems. This is a great AI influence on human creativity. Hence AI replacing humans is not a possibility.

4. Humans Develop AI:

Ultimately humans are the creators of artificial intelligence. They develop AI by using different algorithms, and data that are used by AI applications or machines. And we humans are the only ones who use this technology. It is like - AI - Developed by Humans, Used by Humans But Cannot Replace Humans.

As there is an increase in demand for AI so is human services. However, a human mind is required to operate it. For example, if an AI development company develops AI then managing, instructing, and maintaining human interaction is required. These machines and applications are to be run & maintained by a human who has created this AI system.

5. Prompt Check

There are different AI applications that have been developed. One of the well-known is Chatgpt. Have you ever noticed the line at the bottom “ChatGPT can make mistakes. Check important info” Yes…but now you have checked for sure. They often commit mistakes & require humans to edit the prompt and double-check it. However, artificial intelligence lacks logic, and hence AI cannot replace humans for sure.

6. No Soft Skills:

Artificial intelligence does not have the potential to develop soft skills. They cannot do imaginative thinking or interactive & interpersonal skills. Analytics and focus on a specific target. This talent humans possess is impossible to implement in AI applications or machines.

7. Dynamic Learning:

Humans are constantly evolving and upgrading themselves. They read books, adapt to new situations and challenges, and are always learning. Hence this is not possible for AI to do so. Humans can transfer knowledge from one source to another whereas an AI cannot. AI just follows the rules and guidelines. They do not have the potential to follow ethics and morality that influence action.

AI systems completely rely on human intervention for the command to be given. Whereas humans bear the responsibility to make the decision considering cultural nuance, societal impacts, etc.

8. AI Cannot Compete but Complement Humans

The goal of artificial intelligence is to help humans and reduce the workload. AI is not appropriate for jobs in reasoning, soft skills, and adaptability. As the AI workplace demands more, so does the need for human resources. In the coming years, there will be more job opportunities available as a result of AI's existence.

9. AI is Inflexible

If a certain existing task consists of error, humans can accomplish that. But AI cannot do so. Let us understand with an example. If there is a website and an uncertain error occurs in the database part. Unfortunately, AI in this scenario is not going to work out. It is the human who knows that the error occurred and the website was developed by him. As compared to AI, humans are more aware of every section of the website that is being developed.

10. AI Cannot Replace Physical Form

AI helps humans in different ways but cannot replace its physical presence. To accomplish the task beyond the screens, the need of human interaction is a must. Let us understand simply with an example. Some of the areas include warehouse planning, inventory management, and farming. In inventory management, AI helps to create management systems but to execute this human interaction is a must. Another major industry is farming. AI can complete certain duties but to complete physical tasks human interference is required.


There is an increase in the demand for AI implementations, but so need to consider security measures in different terms. The future of AI shows that it will deliver efficient results only when proper and accurate input is given by humans. Many of them think that AI is replacing skilled jobs, but the fact is they are beneficial to each other. Also, AI is going to open the doors of opportunities in different fields but unfortunately cannot replace humans.