Bryan Eisenberg said - "Cart abandonment isn’t just a statistic, it’s an opportunity. Engage customers when they are at the tipping point."

As an expert in eCommerce growth strategies, I’ve seen how small tweaks can turn abandoned carts into profitable opportunities.

This blog will walk you through practical discount strategies that will recover lost sales and increase the value of every recovered cart.

Expect proven insights, data-backed strategies, and actionable tips ahead.

Abandoned Cart Stats You Need to Know

Before diving into strategies, let's understand why cart abandonment happens.

Research by the Baymard Institute shows that the average cart abandonment rate is 69.8% globally.

That’s nearly 7 out of 10 customers who add items to their cart but don’t complete the purchase! The reasons range from high shipping costs to lengthy checkout processes.

However, with planned discount tactics, you can turn these abandoned carts into a goldmine.

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