In case you are in need of changing the name on your Qatar Airways booking, then it is important that you must learn the process and the rules.

Here’s a complete guide:

1. Check Policy: Read more about the guidelines followed by Qatar Airways in name corrections. It is acceptable to make slight alterations, while major alterations may need extra actions to be taken.

2. Submit Request: Go to the website of Qatar Airways, navigate to the “Manage Booking” portal or call the company and they will help you change your name.

3. Provide Documentation: You may be required to present some forms of identification for the purpose of confirming the change of name such as a passport or an I. D.

4. Fees: You should also know that there are charges that may be required, depending on the kind of correction and the fare of the ticket that has been issued.

5. Confirmation: Always don’t forget to cross check that the correction has been made and confirmed from the travel agency before one is to travel.

Any help with respect to the Qatar Airways Name Correction can be done through Flightsvilla at 1-800-315-2771, available round the clock for all your concerns regarding the Qatar Airways Name Correction Policy, charges and other travelling issues.