Trademark Registration Process In India

Below is the guide to Step by Step Trademark Registration Process In India:

  1. Trademark Search and Application Filing: The first step in the trademark registration process is to conduct a comprehensive search on the government portal. This ensures that your chosen trademark is available and meets the necessary criteria for filing. Once confirmed, you can proceed with filing the application.
  1. Trademark Examination: After filing, the Department reviews your application against several criteria. They may accept it or issue an Examination Report that highlights any potential objections. You can check the status of your application and any Examination Report on the departmental website. If you receive an Examination Report, you have 30 days to respond and address any concerns to keep the application moving forward.
  1. Advertisement: If your trademark is accepted, it will be published in the weekly Trademark Journal on the official trademark registry website. This public notice allows others to raise objections if they believe your trademark infringes their rights. The advertisement period lasts for four months, during this time anyone can file an opposition.
  1. Handling Opposition: If oppositions are filed against your trademark application, you need to manage the proceedings effectively. Present a strong case in favour of your application to overcome any objections. If you successfully address the oppositions or receive a favourable decision from the department, your trademark moves to the final stage.
  1. Final Trademark Registration: If there are no issues during the opposition period, your trademark application will be officially registered. This grants you legal protection for your trademark for the next 10 years. To maintain these protections, you must renew your trademark every decade.