According to a McKinsey report [ Source: McKinsey Global Institute, “A future that works: Automation, employment, and productivity,”], up to 800 million jobs globally could be automated by 2030. But don’t panic! AI isn’t here to replace you – it’s here to empower you.

Intrigued by the potential of AI to transform your software development company ? We’ve got you covered. This blog dives deep into the top 6 AI workflow automation tools, helping you declutter your digital desk and become a productivity powerhouse. 

Step-By-Step Approach To Harnessing The Power Of AI And Boosting Your Workflow:

Step 1: Identify Repetitive Tasks:

 Start by analyzing your daily routine. Pinpoint tasks that feel monotonous and time-consuming, eating away at your productivity. These could be tasks like scheduling meetings, data entry, email filtering, or social media posting.

Step 2: Start Small And Experiment:

Begin by implementing AI automation for a single, well-defined task. This allows you to get comfortable with the technology and understand its capabilities. Once you’re confident, gradually automate additional tasks.

Step 3: Train And Integrate The Tools:

Find an AI tool which resonates with the needs & goals of your needs and tasks, act accordingly. Most AI tools require training data to function effectively. Provide the tool with relevant examples and data points to ensure accurate automation.

Connect your AI tools with the existing apps and software you use daily. This streamlines your workflow and allows for a smooth flow of information.