The PTE  Academic is a widely recognized English proficiency test that assesses the speaking, writing, reading, and listening skills of non-native English speakers. The PTE Exam Format is designed to evaluate a candidate's ability to use English in academic settings. As of 2022, there have been some updates to the PTE exam format, ensuring it remains relevant and effective. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the PTE Exam Format, highlighting the new and latest changes for 2022.

Overview of the PTE Exam Format

The PTE Academic test is divided into three main parts:

  1. Speaking and Writing: 54-67 minutes
  2. Reading: 29-30 minutes
  3. Listening: 30-43 minutes

Each section includes various question types that test different language skills.

Speaking and Writing Section

1. Personal Introduction (Not Scored)

  • Candidates are given 25 seconds to read a prompt and prepare.
  • Then, they have 30 seconds to record their response.

2. Read Aloud

  • Candidates read a text aloud from the screen.

3. Repeat Sentence

  • Candidates listen to a sentence and repeat it exactly.

4. Describe Image

  • Candidates describe an image displayed on the screen.

5. Re-tell Lecture

  • Candidates listen to or watch a lecture and summarize it in their own words.

6. Answer Short Question

  • Candidates listen to a question and answer with a single word or a few words.

7. Summarize Written Text

  • Candidates read a passage and summarize it in one sentence, between 5 and 75 words.

8. Essay

  • Candidates write a 200-300 word essay on a given topic.

Reading Section

1. Multiple-choice, Choose Single Answer

  • Candidates read a passage and answer a question by selecting one response.

2. Multiple-choice, Choose Multiple Answers

  • Candidates read a passage and select all relevant responses.

3. Reorder Paragraphs

  • Candidates drag and drop text boxes to reorder them correctly.

4. Reading: Fill in the Blanks

  • Candidates drag and drop words into blanks within a text.

5. Reading and Writing: Fill in the Blanks

  • Candidates select words from a drop-down list to fill in the blanks in a text.

Listening Section

1. Summarize Spoken Text

  • Candidates listen to a recording and write a 50-70 word summary.

2. Multiple-choice, Choose Multiple Answers

  • Candidates listen to a recording and select all relevant responses.

3. Fill in the Blanks

  • Candidates listen to a recording and fill in missing words in a transcript.

4. Highlight Correct Summary

  • Candidates listen to a recording and select the correct summary.

5. Multiple-choice, Choose Single Answer

  • Candidates listen to a recording and select one response.

6. Select Missing Word

  • Candidates listen to a recording and select the missing word from a list.

7. Highlight Incorrect Words

  • Candidates listen to a recording and identify words in a transcript that differ from what they heard.

8. Write from Dictation

  • Candidates listen to a sentence and type it exactly as heard.