Even though Facebook is considered one of many options for social media, this one platform has remained a powerhouse. Every day, over 2.98 billion people are likely to spend time on Facebook. With nearly 3 billion active users monthly, Facebook is still by far the most used as well as the most popular social media network. 

Currently, People use Facebook which becomes a part of daily life like watching tv or playing games. That means marketers get the vast opportunity to reach out to those people and engage them by promoting their brands. It allows brands to promote their products or services with various marketing strategies. But you can’t wait for people to take initiative for engaging with your brand. You need to create an effective plan to take advantage of these opportunities and make a great impact. Here, we are going to discuss the complete guide to Facebook Marketing. 

What is Facebook Marketing?

Facebook marketing refers to the process of promoting any brand’s products or services on Facebook through business pages. There are various ways to market any brand on Facebook, but the major two ways are Organic and Paid Facebook Marketing. 

Organic Facebook Marketing is the process of increasing followers and engaging the audience on your website by posting content on Facebook. Paid Facebook Marketing is the process to convert the target audience into customers using advertising campaigns. 

Importance of Facebook Marketing 

On Facebook, now over 200 million businesses open their account to market their products or services on the platform in hope of reaching out to their target audience and more than 3 million businesses actively run advertising campaigns on the platform which means that there is quite good chance that your competitions are already using Facebook as their marketing weapon. To involve yourself in the same boat, you need to have an account first. But how can you set up a business account on Facebook? Don’t worry! If you didn’t know we are here to help you. 

How To Set Up A Business Account on Facebook 

Launching your marketing efforts on Facebook, first, you need to set up a business account for your business. It is free for any business open business pages on Facebook and invite their target audience to like and follow their pages. You can post content on your page daily basis to attract more audience. It helps to increase user engagement on your page. To create a business page on Facebook, go to the web browser, and search for facebook.com/pages/create. To create the page, you need to enter your brand or business name, a category which best describes your brand and write a bio where you need to write some information about your brand. You can also great the opportunity to add a logo and cover picture to your Facebook page account. You can create the URL for your page which looks like Facebook.com/thenameofyourbusiness. Now it is time to adit your business information. Make sure you add relevant details of your business like the address, service hours, email id as well as customer reviews. Now you have created your own Facebook page. Now it is time to look for strategies which help you to market your brand on Facebook. 

How to Build an Effective Facebook Marketing Strategy 

Once you have created your business page, you start to make a plan for your Facebook marketing and how you are going implement and which strategies you want to apply to reach out to more people. Here are the top Facebook marketing strategies are mentioned below: 

1. Set a Goal for Facebook Marketing 
2. Identify Your Facebook Target Audience 
3. Publish Content on Your Facebook Page 
4. Create a Content Calendar 
5. Publish a Mix of Content on Your Facebook Page
6. Run Facebook Contests 
7. Explore Free Facebook Tools 
8. Determine Your Facebook Advertisement Strategy 
9. Use Messenger to build Relationships with Customers 
10. Track and Monitor Your Performance 

1. Set a Goal for Facebook Marketing: 

For any marketing strategy, the first step you need to follow is to set a goal to achieve. It is important to measure the success of your Facebook marketing strategy. The most common marketing goals businesses use to achieve it include increasing brand awareness, adding more value to the organization, gaining more sales and more. 

2. Identify Your Facebook Target Audience: 

To know who is your target audience in Facebook, you need to create buyer personas first. Buyer personas represent your ideal customers which helps you to understand your target audience better. No matter what industry you are in, it helps to tailor your products or services or content to relate better to your target users. When you are on Facebook, and trying to create a market for your products or services, you need to identify your Facebook target audience. 

By getting knowledge about the goals and challenges of your target audience, you will understand what content you need to post on your Facebook page. Creating buyer personas is an easy thing to do. You need to collect information about their goals, challenges, their industry as well as the resources they rely on to develop their skills. On other hand, you can also check your competitors’ websites, and identify how much user engagement they have on their pages, post frequency, what type of content they post and also quality and time of responses from businesses. 

3. Publish Content on Your Facebook Page

Once you have gotten an idea of your target audience, now it is time to nail down what type of content and how often you are going to post on your Facebook page. When it comes to what type of content you’ll post, you need to understand what your target audience wants to see. Although, creativity is also important, So, you need to post something that mixture of what your target wants and what you’ll think performs well. Here are a few ideas which you can use for posting content on your Facebook page:

Company news 
Press Release 
Industry News 
Products or Services Promotions  

Once you have known what you’ll post, by knowing which is the right time to post, you will solve the last puzzle of Facebook content marketing strategy. There is a tool called Facebook Audience Insights where you can find the right time to post to create attention from the target audience. According to Facebook Audience Insights, the right time to post on Facebook is between 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is a general report, but most of the time, it depends on your industry, goals, region, and interactions of the audience with your page. 

4. Create a Content Calendar 

When it comes to posting around and monitoring various social media platforms, social media managers create content calendars to schedule their tasks daily basis. With a content calendar, you batch your tasks, as well as note down content ideas in advance which helps to save many times. Content Calendar is a spreadsheet where you note down your post in advance and slot them for specific times. A content calendar should consist of various columns of the following things: 

1. Columns for each social media platform 
2. Content ideas 
3. Status updates 
4. Promotrional activity 
5. Owner and dependencies

5. Publish a Mix of Content on Your Facebook Page 

We have already talked about what types of content you can post on your Facebook page. While publishing content ensure that your posts are encouraging your target audience to connect with your Facebook page. If you see it can’t able to bring better user engagement, then you need to post a mix of content on your Facebook page. There are different types of content you can post on Facebook like Blogs, articles, photos, videos, life events, covid-19 updates and more. Make sure your target audience is not getting bored by seeing the same types of content on your Facebook Page. 

6. Run Facebook Contests 

To increase followers as well as brand awareness, running Facebook contests is always part of the Facebook marketing strategy. Make sure you know that Facebook can't host contests directly. Users must be redirected from their Facebook page to the app by a third-party app for creating Facebook contests. There are various paid tools which help to run Facebook contests. 

7. Explore Free Facebook Tools 

Facebook allows businesses to use its various tools for promoting their brand’s products or services. Here are some tools you can operate while posting content on your Facebook page. 

1. Text
2. Images 
3. Videos 
4. Stories 
5. Live streaming 

8. Determine Your Facebook Advertisement Strategy 

Reach your target audience on Facebook, running a Facebook advertising campaign is one of the best ways to do it. But, first, you need to determine your budget and keep running your ads consistently in hope of generating more sales as well as increasing brand awareness. Before jumping into creating your Facebook advertisement strategy, you should consider two major elements: Cost-effective and Relevancy. 

When you determine to stay within the monthly paid advertising campaign then your Facebook ads need to be relevant. For building an effective Facebook advertising strategy, you need to select the types of content which are worthy of your campaign. Make sure you keep your ad's content fresh and relevant to your brand. 

9. Use Messenger to build Relationships with Customers 

When you want to get leads or generate conversion, you need to use the feature called Facebook Messenger which helps to build a strong relationship with your customers. You can add CTAs on your Facebook pages to generate more conversions. By clicking on your CTAs, customers can contact you through messenger. To respond to those messages you can hire someone or you can use social media automation features like a Facebook bot. While setting up a bot, you can easily premake all questions and answers and allow your customers to purchase through messenger. 

10. Track and Monitor Your Performance 

After Implementing all tactics of your effective Facebook marketing strategy, it is time to track your performance through Facebook analytics where you can check your reach, content engagement, likes, and more features. Analyzing your Facebook page's engagement and growth rate is possible with Facebook Analytics.  With the tool, you’ll know what posts were successful and what led to leads.


Now you’ve known the various Facebook marketing tactics which you can use while creating your own marketing strategy for promoting your brand on Facebook. If you feel struggle with building strategies, we are here to help you. We offer you our best social media marketing strategies which help your brand to achieve your goal. We hope this article on the complete guide to Facebook marketing will help you to understand it better. If you want to read our articles on trending topics, keep your eye on our blog page.